The ROI on ECM

Too often ECM solutions are developed and reviewed without even the most basic metrics to calculate effectiveness.  The feeling is that calculating Return on Investment (ROI) can’t be done.  It can, there’s just not one calculation that fits all scenarios.  Here are some document metrics that can be used to track the effectiveness of an enterprise content management solution.

  • Estimating Storage – Do you know how much storage you will need for your content management system’s deployment?  Here’s how to find out.
  • Cost of Content – Do you really know how much a piece of content costs to develop in your organization?  This calculation will help you find out.
  • Calculating Search Efficiency – It’s easy to say that the search engine for a site is poorly tuned, but is it really the case?  This metric will state the performance of the search engine based on real numbers, not opinions.
  • Paper Savings – Quick math to show the saving of just moving off of paper and into electronic storage.

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