xDB Matters

XML Databases are not new.  People have been working with the concept (if not the name) for a decade.  One of the primary vendors in the space, MarkLogic,  just announcedthey raised $12.5 m USD in series D funding.  This is a notable event - not so much for the company but more for the technology.  It shows that... Continue Reading →

MarkLogic and Word 2007 Integration

Marklogic has announced the release of  a toolkit for Word.  Much is written in certain circles these days about component content management.  I have often felt that the adoption of  CCM has not lived up to the nirvana  of reuse that we content management professionals strive to achieve. This gap has been due in no small... Continue Reading →

Is EMC Responding to Marklogic?

Ann Rockley has a post on CMSWatch re: the X-Hive acquisition. This makes me wonder if this is not really in response to two things - Success of products like MarkLogic and others in implementing pure XML repositories The complexity of emulating XML/XPath/xquery capability in old school architectures. Whether EMC folds X-Hive capabilities into its... Continue Reading →

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