Contract Life Cycle Management with Information Governance

Out-of-the-box CLM solutions often meet corporate counsel’s needs more efficiently than building a custom CLM solution on an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platform.   What ECM platforms offer that the CLM vendors miss is Information Governance.  Information Governance is an accountability framework to ensure proper handling of both documents and information within an organization to meet... Continue Reading →

Building a Custom Contract Life Cycle Management Solution on ECM

I’ve been researching the Contract Life Cycle Management (CLM) ecosystem which has started to overlap the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) ecosystem.  In yesterday’s post, I grouped the CLM vendors into three categories based on the level of their out of the box functionality.  But I really can’t give a perspective on CLM without addressing a... Continue Reading →

Proof Finding ECM Platforms is Difficult

I think most of the time, we in the industry take for granted that “everyone” knows what ECM (Enterprise Content Management) is.  If you have a document management problem, you suddenly miraculously figure out that what you really have is an ECM problem.  You then immediately discover the Gartner Magic Quadrant and you are ready... Continue Reading →

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